Topological Sorting Explained


Recently I was working on a project related to the operation fusion in Tensorflow. My previous posts have covered several topics, such as how to enable fusion in TF, what’s inside the CBR fusion. I found I encountered the topological sort (topo_sort) often but I realized that probably I didn’t fully understand it. Originally, my understanding of topo_sort came from some coding interview books, and I knew it was simply a DFS variant, but this didn’t answer my questions that always in the back of my mind. By checking the implementation of the topo_sort in TF, I think I found the answers. In this post, I am going to list my questions and by analyzing each of them, it might be able to shed some light on how a more robust topo_sort should be implemented.

Q1: Is Topological Sort a DFS preorder traversal?

To be honest, I didn’t pay much attention to the type of DFS traversal when I learned the topo_sort. For example, in the left graph of Figure 1, it seems a DFS pre-order traversal is sufficient to produce the correct topological order of 0, 1, 2, 3. However, the method is brittle and easy to lead to wrong results if we simply change the order of the nodes as in the middle graph of Figure 1. In this case, we would probably get 0, 1, 2, 3 if the nodes are still swept in numerical order. But maybe we can argue that the correct order 3, 0, 1, 2 can still be achieved if we always start from the root node (which has no fanin edges). Unfortunately, this is not true. For instance, in the right graph in Figure 1, the preorder traversal will always fail to work, no matter which node we start from.

Figure 1. DFS preorder vs. postorder traversal

Preorder vs postorder

In fact, the DFS used in topo_sort is a reversed, postorder traversal. The postorder traversal can make sure that all the child nodes get processed before the current node. More importantly, it doesn’t matter if we start from the root node or not. For example, in the middle graph of Figure 1, the postorder traversal will always generate the order of 2, 1, 0, 3 regardless of the start node. After the traversal, we need one more step to reverse the order to get the correct result. A typical implementation of topo_sort is like:

def TopologicalSort(graph, output_graph)
  Stack s;
  Bool visited(n, false); // n is num of nodes.
  For (each node i in graph)
    If (not visited[i])
      Helper(i, /*other params*/)
  s.pop(all nodes) to output_graph // reverse

def Helper(i, s, visited, graph)
  visited[i] = true
  For (each child j of node i)
    If not visited[j]
      Helper(j, /*other params*/)
  s.push(node i) // post_order traversal

Q2: How can we group the nodes belonging to the same graph together?

Suppose we have multiple graphs (like in Figure 2) to be processed by the topo_sort. The above topo_sort implementation could probably produce 2, 3, 1, 5, 0, 4. We can see that it is still a valid topological order; however, the nodes from the two graphs are interleaved in the results, which might be not desirable in many cases. One solution is to limit the start nodes to root nodes instead of any nodes during the sweep. With this simple change, we could obtain the order of 2, 0, 3, 4, 1, 5.

Figure 2. Mutiple graphs

Multiple graphs

Q3: How to deal with cycles? Or what happens when there are cycle graphs?

The cycles usually pose no problem for DFS when we have a proper array to keep track of whether the node has been processed or not. However, if we have a cycle graph, the “start-from-the-root-node” strategy will leave all the nodes in the cycle graph unprocessed. For example, Figure 3 has a cycle graph, meaning it has no root node to allow the sweep to begin with, and thus the result will be like 6, 1, 0, 4. To solve the issue, we can conduct a second round of sweep that starts from any unprocessed nodes. That way, the final order will contain all nodes: 2, 5, 3, 6, 0, 1, 4.

Figure 3. Cycle graph


An implementation example

The topo_sort used in TF can handle the above issues. Inspired by it, I gave a shot at implementing a toy topo_sort, which is non-recursive and features the ability to detect cycles.


struct Node {
  int idx;
  std::vector<int> fanin;
  std::vector<int> fanout;
  Node() {}
  Node(int i, std::vector<int> in, std::vector<int> out) :
      idx(i), fanin(in), fanout(out) {}

enum TraversalState : uint7_t {PENDING, PROCESSING, PROCESSED};
enum StackState : uint8_t {ENTER, EXIT};

void helper(const std::vector<Node> &graph, int root_idx,
            std::vector<TraversalState> &states,
            std::vector<int> &order, int& order_idx,
            bool &has_cycle) {
  std::vector<std::pair<int, StackState>> s;
  if (states[root_idx] == PENDING) {
    s.push_back({root_idx, ENTER});
  while(!s.empty()) {
    auto cur_entry = s.back();
    if (states[cur_entry.first] == PROCESSED) {
    } else if (cur_entry.second == EXIT) {
      states[cur_entry.first] = PROCESSED;
      order[cur_entry.first] = order_idx--;
    } else {
      states[cur_entry.first] = PROCESSING;
      s.push_back({cur_entry.first, EXIT});
      auto &cur_node = graph[cur_entry.first];
      for (int j = 0; j < cur_node.fanout.size(); j++) {
        if (states[cur_node.fanout[j]] == PENDING) {
          s.push_back({cur_node.fanout[j], ENTER});
        } else if (states[cur_node.fanout[j]] == PROCESSING) {
          has_cycle = true;

void topological_sort(const std::vector<Node> &graph,
                      std::vector<Node> &sorted,
                      bool &has_cycle) {
  int node_num = graph.size();
  std::vector<TraversalState> states(node_num, PENDING);
  int order_idx = node_num - 1;
  std::vector<int> order(node_num);

  for(int i = 0; i < node_num; i++) {
    if (graph[i].fanin.size() == 0) {
      helper(graph, i, states, order, order_idx, has_cycle);

  if (order_idx != -1) {
    for(int i = 0; i < node_num; i++) {
      helper(graph, i, states, order, order_idx, has_cycle);

  for(int i = 0; i < node_num; i++) {
    sorted[order[i]] = graph[i];

int main() {
  std::vector<Node> graph;
  graph.push_back(Node(0, {3}, {2}));
  graph.push_back(Node(1, {3}, {2}));
  graph.push_back(Node(2, {0, 1}, {}));
  graph.push_back(Node(3, {}, {0, 1}));

  std::vector<Node> sorted(graph.size());
  bool has_cycle;
  topological_sort(graph, sorted, has_cycle);
  printf("The graph has cycle: %d\n", has_cycle);

  printf("The topological order:\n");
  for(int i = 0; i < graph.size(); i++) {
    printf("%d, ", sorted[i].idx);

Some highlights of the code:

  • To detect the cycle, we use a three-status array states of PENDING, PROCESSING, PROCESSED.
  • To do the non-recursive, we use a stack s that can also keep track of the node’s “stack status”: ENTER, EXIT.
  • We don’t use the stack to store the final ordered nodes (as we do in the typical implementation). Instead, we use an array order to simply keep the ordered index of each node.

For each graph used in the post, the above code can correctly sort them and detect cycles as shown in the table:

Graph Topological Order Has Cycle
Figure 1 left 0, 1, 2, 3 False
Figure 1 middle 3, 0, 1, 2 False
Figure 1 right 3, 0, 1, 2 False
Figure 2 2, 0, 3, 4, 1, 5 False
Figure 3 2, 5, 3, 6, 0, 1, 4 True


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