Inside Normalizations of Tensorflow


Recently I came across with optimizing the normalization layers in Tensorflow. Most online articles are talking about the mathematical definitions of different normalizations and their advantages over one another. Assuming that you have adequate background of these norms, in this blog post, I’d like to provide a practical guide to using the relavant norm APIs from Tensorflow, and give you an idea when the fast CUDNN kernels will be used in the backend on GPUs.

This post will only checks the BatchNorm, LayerNorm, and InstanceNorm. In essence, all these norms perform a 2-step calculation:

  1. Computing mean and variance (also called statistics, moments, etc.);
  2. Applying scale and offset (a.k.a gamma/beta, which are two learnable parameters).

The trickly part is that the axis values and output shapes from (1) and (2) vary depending on normalization types and sometimes the official API document might be misleading. Therefore, I am going to review how to use these three norm APIs in practice and what happens under the hood.

Note: the sample codes below use BatchNormalization and LayerNormalization from TF Keras Layers and InstanceNormalization from TF Addons.

Batch Normalization

Let’s start with an example tensor in shape of (2, 12, 3, 2) and its format is NCHW (or “channels_first”), meaning there are 12 channels and its axis is 1. BatchNorm expects the axis argument to be channels axis and thus we can put 1 here. Under the hood, the API will perform step (1) and (2) along the same axis and you will get the mean/var in shape of (1, 12, 1, 1) and the scale/offset in shape of (12,). Thanks to the broadcasting rules, the step (2) can be easily implemented. It is also for this reason that nn.batch_normalization is used as the backend in other types of normalization. Instead of this “generic” nn.batch_normalization, the backend will call the faster CUDNN API, e.g., cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining() whenever possible (e.g., the data type and axis fulfill some requirements and of cause the GPU can be detected) so that we can benefit from its efficient fused parallel kernels and reduced memory footprint.

The following example checks the shape of gamma/beta and verify if the mean/var are computed along the given axis.

  batch_norm = layers.BatchNormalization(axis=1, center=True, scale=True)
  y = batch_norm(x, training=True)
  print("Gamma shape:", batch_norm.weights[0].shape) # Output: (12,)
  print("Beta  shape:", batch_norm.weights[1].shape) # Output: (12,) 
  may_pass = True
  for i in range(C):
    if not np.isclose(tf.math.reduce_mean(y[:, i, ...]).numpy(), 0.0,
                      rtol=1e-06, atol=1e-06):
      may_pass = False
  print("Test:", "Pass!" if may_pass else "Fail!")

Similaly, the axis argument should take -1 or 3 when the NHWC (or “channels_last”) is used.

Layer Normalization

Continuing with the same example tensor above, LayerNorm usually expects the axis argument to take in the features within one sample; hence, we must not include the batch axis. Here one legit axis is (1,2,3), meaning we include all features for each sample. Under the hood, the computed mean/var will be in shape of (2, 1, 1, 1) and the scale/offset in (12, 3, 2). The “generic” nn.batch_normalization has no problem to realize the step (2) due to the broadcasting rules. However, as for the CUDNN APIs, they lack the support for layer norm and even worse we cannot directly call its batch norm APIs since this computational pattern breaks the CUDNN’s assumption that the two shapes of step (1) and (2) should be same. Thus, TF works it around with a two-step implementation: First, call CUDNN with a dummy scale/offset in the same shape of mean/var but filled with 1s and 0s; Second, apply the real scale/offset in shape (12,3,2). Though this doesn’t fully benefit from the CUDNN kernels, it is better than none.

The following example checks the shape of gamma/beta and verify if the mean/var are computed along the given axes.

  layer_norm = layers.LayerNormalization(axis=(1,2,3), center=True, scale=True)
  y = layer_norm(x)
  print("Gamma shape:", layer_norm.weights[0].shape) # Output: (12, 3, 2)
  print("Beta  shape:", layer_norm.weights[1].shape) # Output: (12, 3, 2)
  may_pass = True
  for i in range(N):
    if not np.isclose(tf.math.reduce_mean(y[i,...]).numpy(), 0.0,
                      rtol=1e-06, atol=1e-06):
      may_pass = False
  print("Test:", "Pass!" if may_pass else "Fail!")

Similaly, for the NHWC tensors, the axis argument can take the same (1,2,3) as in the NCHW use case.

Instance Normalization

In InstanceNorm, the expected axis is same with BatchNorm, i.e. the channels axis. So, for the same example above, we would set axis=1. Internally, however, the batch axis will also be considered to compute the mean/var, producing the output in shape of (2, 12, 1, 1). On the other hand, the scale/offset will still be (12,). So, it would be tricky to put this computational pattern under the disguise of the batch norm as we do in layer norm (because we need to deal with two non-singleton dimensions in the mean/var and this apparently fails to follow the CUDNN’s assumption).

The following example checks the shape of gamma/beta and verify if the mean/var are computed along the given axes.

  instance_norm = tfa.layers.InstanceNormalization(axis=1, center=True,
  y = instance_norm(x)
  print("Gamma shape:", instance_norm.weights[0].shape) # Output: (12,)
  print("Beta  shape:", instance_norm.weights[1].shape) # Output: (12,)
  may_pass = True
  for i in range(N):
    for j in range(C):
      if not np.isclose(tf.math.reduce_mean(y[i,j,...]).numpy(), 0.0,
                        rtol=5e-06, atol=5e-06):
        may_pass = False
  print("Test:", "Pass!" if may_pass else "Fail!")

Similaly, the axis argument should take -1 or 3 when the NHWC is used.

Group Normalization

In GroupNorm, the axis should also be set to channels. Besides, we can also split the channels into different groups and the mean/var computation will be within each groups. So, for the same example above, if we set the axis=1 and group=4, the input tensor will be reshaped to (2, 4, 3, 3, 2) and the mean/var will be (2, 4, 1, 1, 1). The scale/offset will stay in the shape of (12,).

G = 4
group_norm = tfa.layers.GroupNormalization(groups=G, axis=1, center=True,
y = group_norm(x)
print("Gamma shape:", group_norm.weights[0].shape) # Output: (12,)
print("Beta  shape:", group_norm.weights[1].shape) # Output: (12,)
y = tf.reshape(y, shape=(N, G, C // G, H, W))
print("Reshape by grouping:", y.shape) # Output: (2, 4, 3, 3, 2)
may_pass = True
for i in range(N):
  for j in range(G):
    if not np.isclose(tf.math.reduce_mean(y[i,j,...]).numpy(), 0.0,
                      rtol=5e-06, atol=5e-06):
      may_pass = False
print("Test:", "Pass!" if may_pass else "Fail!")


To sum up, the shapes of mean/variance and scale/bias are summarized in the following table:

  BatchNorm LayerNorm InstanceNorm GroupNorm
mean/var 1, C, 1, 1 N, 1, 1, 1 N, C, 1, 1 N, G, 1, 1
scale/bias 1, C, 1, 1 1, C, H, W 1, C, 1, 1 1, C, 1, 1



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